The policies, courses and programs described are not applicable until the Fall 2023 term and may be updated as circumstances require.
Student Code of Conduct
Academic institutions exist for the transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the development of students, and the general well-being of society. In line with this purpose, the Board of Regents for Higher Education (“BOR”) in conjunction with the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (“CSCU”) has the duty to protect the freedoms of inquiry and expression, and furthermore, has the responsibility to encourage all of its members to develop the capacity for critical judgment in their sustained and independent search for truth. CSCU has certain self-defined institutional values. Principal among these values is respect for the safety, dignity, rights, and individuality of each member of the CSCU Community. The opportunity to live, study, and work in an institution which values diverse intellectual and cultural perspectives and encourages discussion and debate about competing ideas in an atmosphere of civility is a basic component of quality higher education.
All members of CSCU must at all times govern their social and academic interactions with tolerance and mutual respect so that the students who pass through a CSCU door are enriched by these experiences and are prepared for full and enlightened participation in a multi-cultural society. Because of the BOR’s and CSCU’s commitment to principles of pluralism, mutual respect, and civility, certain activities are not acceptable on CSCU campuses. Acts of intolerance, of hatred or violence based on race, religion, sexual orientation or expression, disability, gender, age, or ethnic background are antithetical to the BOR’s and CSCU’s fundamental principles and values. It is the BOR’s and CSCU’s responsibility to protect our students’ right to learn by establishing an environment of civility. The disciplinary process is intended to be part of the educational mission of CSCU. Student disciplinary proceedings are not criminal proceedings and are not subject to court rules of procedure and evidence
The full BOR Policy and accompanying procedures can be found here: Procedures for Community College students differ from those procedures applicable to either the Universities or Charter Oak State College. This is due to the environmental, cultural and administrative differences within the types of the institutions comprising CSCU. Procedures for addressing allegations and sanctions regarding academic misconduct (as defined in Section I.D.1) for Community College Students as set for in this Section III of the Code.
Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that protects all students attending or accessing services at an educational institution that receives federal funding. It allows all students to attend school in an environment free of harassment, gender based violence and discrimination. Violations of your rights under Title IX would be sexual assault, sexual harassment, sex discrimination or gender discrimination. At CT State Community College we take our responsibility to address and protect these rights very seriously. For information regarding the nondiscrimination, disability, and Title IX policies/procedures, contact: John-Paul Chaisson-Cardenas, Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, CT State Community College, 860-612-7056,
Confidentiality of Student Education Records
The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Broadly, these are:
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the College or University receives a request for access.
- The right to request amendment of an education record that the student believes is inaccurate.
- The right to provide written consent before the College or University discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
- The right to refuse to permit the College or University to release Directory Information except in certain circumstances.
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Colleges to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
A subset of student information, called “Directory Information,” is designated by the Board of Regents as permissible to release under specific circumstances as described in full text of the policy.
Designated Directory Information, procedural details (including how to file a complaint), and exceptions to the above can be found in the full CSCU Board of Regents Policy 2
Grade Appeals Policy and Procedure
An academic appeal is an allegation by a student that an employee of the college has violated federal or state laws and regulations, college or department policies, accreditation standards, or the policies stated in the course syllabus related to an assigned grade, notation, or other academic decision. A student may seek campus-level review of the assignment of a grade, notation, or other decision affecting academic status in accordance with the procedure outlined in the college catalog.
The campus-level appeal will take place at the campus where the grade, notation, or course being appealed took place. The student shall be afforded the right to present a statement of appeal and relevant information in support of it. The faculty member shall also be afforded the right to present a statement of relevant information regarding the appeal. It is the student’s responsibility to show that the decision in question is arbitrary, i.e., without a reasonable basis, or was made for improper reasons in violation of this policy. The student is entitled to a written response upon completion of the appeal procedure outlined in the college catalog.
The procedural time frames provided may be modified by the Campus CEO for good cause shown.
The decision of the Campus CEO, or designee shall be final.
There are three procedural options for responding to a student’s campus-level review of the assignment of a grade or other decision affecting academic status: Regular Appeal, Expedited Non-Clinical Appeal, and Expedited Clinical Appeal. For all three options, Step 1 of the campus-level appeal process will not take place prior to the posting of final grades.
Below is a summary of the types of Appeal Procedure. The links will take you to a step-by-step guide for each.
The Regular Grade Appeal Procedure should be followed if the grade being appealed would not prevent a student from graduating, transferring, or progressing in their designated program the following semester or term. The regular appeal procedure would likely be completed within 40 business days of the start of the next full academic semester.
The Expedited Non-Clinical Grade Appeal Procedure should be followed if the grade being appealed is from a non-clinical program and would prevent a student from graduating, transferring, or progressing in their designated program the following semester or term. The expedited (non-clinical) appeal procedure would likely be completed within 15 business days from the posting of the official final grade.
The Expedited Clinical Grade Appeal Procedure should be followed if the grade being appealed is for a specialized course in a clinical program and would prevent a student from graduating, transferring, or progressing in their designated program the following semester or term. The expedited clinical appeal procedure would likely be completed within 10 business days from the posting of the official final grade plus, if applicable, any additional days required for the completion of program-level appeal procedures stipulated by specialized accredited clinical programs. Some clinical programs may permit program-level appeal procedures to be completed prior to the posting of the official final grade; however, Step 1 of the campus-level appeal process will not take place prior to the posting of final grades.
Students may reach out to their Guided Pathways Advisor and/or program advisor for assistance in navigating the appeals process.
Classroom Behavior Expectations
Being successful in college includes reading your syllabus, developing a relationship with your instructors to establish strong communication via email and in-person, understand the expectations of the course and course work, and setting aside study time to complete your assignments.
Importance of the Syllabus:
- Find your instructor’s contact information and save it.
- Know exactly how you will earn your grade.
- Understand the course and college policies.
- Find the list of required course materials.
Develop a Relationship with your Instructors:
- Always attend class!
- Work with your instructor when you have questions or need help with coursework, assignments or understanding course content.
- Contact your instructor via email or make an appointment to talk to them during office hours or before class.
Understand How a College Course Operates:
- The college classroom will be fast paced and active. Your instructor will present information, design activities to help you practice skills and ask you to reflect on your learning process.
- Reflection is an importance practice in college courses, and it is up to you to:
- Assess your learning competencies, processes and preferences. - Ask for help when needed and meet with you Guided Pathways Advisor to discuss additional campus and academic resources.
- Take responsibility for your learning. - Self Advocate for additional help and set aside study time.
- Seek assistance from the instructor when course assignments, essays or projects become too challenging or difficult to manage.
- Ask your instructor for help as soon as possible.
Be Prepared and on task:
- How to use time on task effectively:
- Use the study space you created to dedicate time to review course notes, and actively work on projects or assignments.
- Find regular time and make it a habit.
- Study when you are most alert.
- Limit your study time to two hours per course.
- Check in daily for each class to make sure you are up to date with assignments, upcoming projects/exams.
- Complete all assignments as soon as possible.
- Space out review sessions for exams or study time instead of cramming.
- Plan a balanced schedule to prevent burnout.
- Set SMART Goals for each block of study time:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Realistic
- Time-based
Academic Integrity
- Actively Engage in the course you are registered for by attending your classes from the start of the semester. If you are attending an online course, make sure to initiate contact with your professor online and engage in discussion board assignments.
Online Students’ Rights
If you are enrolled in distance education at a participating State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement institution you are afforded certain rights under this agreement. Full details of this agreement are available at the CSCU System website.
Photo and Video Policy
CT State’s Strategic Marketing and Communications department, as well as other areas of the college, often takes or commissions photos and videos of students, faculty and staff, visitors and event attendees. These images are taken in public spaces on a campus, as well as in classrooms and labs. CT State reserves the right to use these photographs/videos as part of its publicity and marketing efforts. Students who enroll in CT State courses and community members attending CT state events at any of its locations do so with the understanding that these images might include them and might be used in college publications, both printed and electronic; social media; print and digital advertising; direct mail; electronic media and other forms of promotion. Published on 12/11/2023

Responsible Use of Information Technology
CT State and the CSCU System build and maintain an Information Technology infrastructure which is essential to the robust educational and professional environment of the institution. Members of the college community share in the benefits and responsibilities which accompany this technology. These responsibilities are enumerated in the CSCU Acceptable Use Policy - IT

Continuing Notice of Nondiscrimination
CT State Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, sex, national origin, marital status, ancestry, present or past history of mental disorder, learning disability or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, criminal record, genetic information or any other federal or state protected class in its employment, programs, and activities. For information regarding the nondiscrimination, disability, and Title IX policies/procedures, contact: John-Paul Chaisson-Cardenas, Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, CT State Community College, 860-612-7056,
